Monday, May 1, 2023

Alberta Nassi is the Winner of the 2022 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize

 Alberta Nassi is the Winner of the 2022 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize for her essay titled, "Treif". Her winning story immerses the reader deep into the heart-wrenching story of her grandmother's life and the tragic decision that led to the sense of shared loss that resonates with us till today. 

Jose Corpas is the Runner-Up in the 2022 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize competition

 Jose Corpas is the Runner-Up in the 2022 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize competition. His essay titled, "The Contender" takes the reader through a suspenseful confrontation between some old-school Brooklyn guys.

Jay Feldman has received Honorable Mention in the 2022 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize competition.

 Jay Feldman has received Honorable Mention in the 2022 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize competition. His essay titled "Confessions of a Red Diaper Baby" tells the story of a young child caught in the throes of a politically charged period of American history in Brooklyn.